Thoughts on Comping Part IV
How to Hear Figures
The whole point of playing an instrument is to make
meaningful sounds in a musical context. Comping is the art of making sounds that
compliment a soloist. We can take a cue from Be-bop and use a mnemonic device to
help us hear common comping figures. The term 'be-bop' itself came from the
vocalization of a rhythmic figure that dominated the music:

It's a good practice to hear sounds internally to better
produce them on your instrument. Once a figure is internalized, it's easier to
play and will sound more musical when applied to the drums. The be-bop mnemonic
technique can be applied to most figures. Here are the vocalizing sounds I like
to use to help me hear figures and rhythms:
Short Tones: bap, bup
Long Tones: Doo, Bah, Dah
Medium Tones: buh
Silence: umm, mmm

Try adding these mnemonics to the figures in the Ted Reed
‘Syncopation’ book as you play them (see Thoughts on Comping Part III). If you
have any charts you’re working on, try the mnemonics there as well to add a more
musical element to the figures.